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Electroless Nickel on Aluminum to Protect From Corrosion

Material selection for fabrication is a crucial process. Considering the cost of materials, the wear, the flexibility, the access… deciding on materials depends on so much more than just what is cheap and what is available. Luckily, the accessibility of plated...

Choosing Plated Coatings for Improved Mold Performance

As one might guess, there is no “one-size-fits-all” to mold coating, and different applications or situations call for different solutions. Even the most common coatings can cause issues during molding when used incorrectly, and unfortunately, these problems aren’t...
Anti-Corrosion Protective Coatings for Steel

Anti-Corrosion Protective Coatings for Steel

Metal, specifically steel, is pervasive in modern society. It is the building block of cities and towns. Corrosion works to reduce metal structures back to their original state of ore, making the metal weaker and more susceptible to damage—which can ultimately lead to...